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Name:  Lammerts Furniture
Address:  911 Washington Avenue
Year:  1897
Architectural Firm/Architect:  Eames and Young
Designation: City Landmark, Eligible for National Register of Historic Places,
Neighborhood:  35
Lammerts moved into the building in 1923. The original tennant was Hargardine and McKitterick Dry Goods.

The building has many interesting features and very fine classical detailing. Its coffered and vaulted entry is an important feature, as are the windows, which are a cross between a palladian arched window and a classical pediment with cut stone figures in full relief. Its cornice is a classical design with an egg and dart motif.

The first and second floors have rusticated columns with trophy panels on either side. The middle three floors are treated together with a giant engaged order of Corinthian pillars and iron spandrels. A string course of egg and dart is repeated just below the final floor.

Eames, William S.
Eames & Young,

Lammerts Furniture
Lammerts Furniture



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This site was made possible by: the City of St. Louis Planning and Urban Design Agency and
the City of St. Louis Community Information Network.

This site was funded in part by Federal funds administered by the Missouri State Historical Preservation Office, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, The National Park Service, and the U.S. Department of the Interior.

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