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Name:  Soldiers´ Memorial
Address:  108 N. 14th Street
Year:  1936
Architectural Firm/Architect:  Mauran, Russell & Crowell
Sculptor:  Hillis Arnold
Designation: Eligible for National Register of Historic Places
Neighborhood:  35
The Soldiers’ Memorial, located between Market and Pine and 13th and 14th Streets, is the first of the two war memorials in St. Louis completed in honor of World War I veterans. Notable features include the massive stone columns with carved stone panels between the columns that bear the faces of war veterans. On the north and south sides of the building are large stone statues of winged horses and martial looking men and women, representing courage, loyalty, vision and sacrifice.

Soldiers´ Memorial is one of the civic buildings completed by the Plaza Commission. President Roosevelt dedicated the building.

Soldiers' Memorial
Soldiers´ Memorial
Soldiers´ Memorial
Soldiers´ Memorial
Soldiers´ Memorial
Soldiers´ Memorial



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This site was made possible by: the City of St. Louis Planning and Urban Design Agency and
the City of St. Louis Community Information Network.

This site was funded in part by Federal funds administered by the Missouri State Historical Preservation Office, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, The National Park Service, and the U.S. Department of the Interior.

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