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Name:  Cupples House
Address:  3673 West Pine Boulevard
Year:  1890
Architectural Firm/Architect:   Thomas B. Annan
Alterations:  Renovated and remodeled for use by Saint Louis University
Designation: City Landmark, National Register of Historic Places,
Neighborhood:  37
During the boom period of St. Louis in the late 1840s, young Samuel Cupples arrived here and established himself in the woodenware business with Robert S. Brookings as his partner. As the business prospered, both men became millionaires by their 30th birthdays. Alert to the possibilities of efficient warehousing convenient to railroad access, the two men developed the Cupples Station complex in the 1890s. They later became major benefactors of Washington University.

Cupples decided to build a mansion befitting his great wealth> The result was Cupples House, completed in 1890 after two years of construction. No expense was spared on the great ornate stone house, with craftsmen and materials imported to provide the ultimate touch. This is evident in the exquisite interior wood paneling and-carving and fine stained glass windows, as well as the ornamental carving of the stonework on the exterior architectural details.

After Cupples´ death in 1912, the house was sold and used as offices of a telegraphers´ union for many years. It came into the possession of Saint Louis University in 1946. Several threats of demolition were warded off due to the efforts of Father Maurice McNamee, S.J., who is responsible for its restoration and opening for public and university use.

The Samual Cupples House on West Pine demonstrates all of the features of the Richardsonian Romanesques style popular among the self-made millionaires of St. Louis´ Golden Age. Of particular note are the coupled Romanesque arches above short, Richardsonian columns, the towers, the sharply pitched roof, and, most important, the coarse textured stone.

Annan, Thomas B.
Brookings, Robert S.
Cupples, Samuel
Cupples Company,
McNamee, Father Maurice

Cupples House



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This site was funded in part by Federal funds administered by the Missouri State Historical Preservation Office, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, The National Park Service, and the U.S. Department of the Interior.

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