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Name:    Shivers, Clarence Laudric
Profession:  Painter
Category:  African-American Experience
Born/Started:    1923
Description:    Clarence Laudric Shivers is a graduate of Sumner High School. During World War II he trained at Tuskegee Air Field, where he became one of the original group of black pilots. In 1950, he graduated with honors from Bradley University. Upon retirement from the Armed Forces in 1969, he moved to Spain and honed his skills as an artist. His paintings are widely exhibited throughout Europe and the United States. He created the Miller Brewing Company´s 1983 civil rights calendar and did the artwork for their 1986 calendar.

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This site was made possible by: the City of St. Louis Planning and Urban Design Agency and
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This site was funded in part by Federal funds administered by the Missouri State Historical Preservation Office, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, The National Park Service, and the U.S. Department of the Interior.

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